Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Admit the Truth to Yourself; Expose it to Someone You Trust

What Do You Have to Give Wednesdays are usually devoted to giving the best of our time, energy, and resources to others. Today, I'd like for us to focus our attention on one thing we can give ourselves, and that's exposure and relief. I am challenging us to get honest and determine to make some much needed changes. Oftentimes, the first step to changing any habit, scenario, or circumstance is to admit it. The second step is to expose it. The more we try to hide the truth about our credit card debt, the greater the tendency for that debt to continue to grow (or at least stick around), overwhelming our minds and our income.
Today, I want us to take a good look at our credit card balances and find someone we can trust to admit our present truth to and get the support we need to change.

I've often heard the phrase, there's a thin line between love and hate. Well, I'd like to say that there also seems to be a thin line between success and failure, and the truth's power plays a significant role in determining which side of the line we find ourselves on. So again, I'm asking you to pull out those credit card statements and sit with that truth for a minute. Admit the bottom line to yourself out loud. Then, find a supportive, trustworthy friend or family member to expose your truth to. At first, the very idea of sharing it might seem embarrassing or just downright humiliating; but if you do this with a clear head and a clean heart, you'll find that revealing your secret will provide relief while opening the door to change...change that has the potential to achieve zero balances on those credit cards.

I know today's challenge might seem a bit scary, but I have faith in your willingness and ability to meet it and beat it. I'd love to hear about your process and results. Remember, you don't have to post your comments here. You can email me any time ( 

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