Friday, December 23, 2011

Free to Open the Door

If you're anything like me, visitors on Christmas day are a no-no. Christmas is a day when I prefer to be stingy with my time and my family. On a typical Christmas day, I only see 5 other people all husband and four sons. That's it, that's all. I'll share my time and attention with others on Thanksgiving, New Year's Eve, or New Year's Day, but frankly, I want my family to myself on Christmas day. I can't say that this is right or that it's wrong. All I can tell you is that it's my preference for this one particular holiday. I don't know why but Christmas just seems more special to me when celebrated intimately with me and mine.

Having said that, I must admit to you that I have opened my door to others on a few Christmases, and what I've learned is that it isn't always fair for me to be as close minded about Christmas visitors as I've chosen to be. There are times when it's more beneficial to others for me to open my heart as I open my front door than it is for me to keep my family and Christmas experiences to myself. The few times we've shared our Christmas with others, it has meant much more than not having them over could have meant to them or us.

So, on this Freedom Friday, I urge you (and me) to be opened minded this Christmas. Planning how we'll spend our time on Christmas day and who we'll spend it with is a productive way of approaching this special holiday, but we must be careful to leave room for the unexpected miracle that having unexpected visitors can bring...for them and us!

I hope you have a very, Merry Christmas!

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